Flight Simulator Keyboard Controls – Lists of Keyboard Shortcuts For Controlling Your Aircraft

Flight Simulator Keyboard Controls – Lists of Keyboard Shortcuts For Controlling Your Aircraft:

The key bindings in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 are numerous. You can view a list of all keyboard shortcuts on a separate screen by continuing to scroll.

One of the most technologically sophisticated and feature-rich simulator games ever made is Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. The game has a ton of functionality, but if you’re a brand-new pilot, it could be challenging getting used to the basic keyboard control keys. Let’s go through all of Flight Simulator 2020s standard keyboard controls, which have been organized into categories for easy access.

Menu keyboard controls:

Toggle Active Pause – Pause

Toggle Pause – Esc

Toggle Basic Control Panel – Ctrl + C

Display Checklist – Shift + C

Help Menu – Tab

Next Toolbar Panel – (.)

Previous Toolbar Panel – /

Miscel­laneous keyboard controls:

Minus – Ctrl + Numpad plus

Plus – Ctrl + Numpad subtract

Skip RTC – Backspace key

New UI Window Mode – Right Alt

Request Fuel – Shift + F

Toggle fuel – Shift + P

Display Map Navigation – V

Display Navlog – N

Sim Rate – R

Toggle Delegate Control to Co-pilot (AI ) – Ctrl + Alt + X

Control Trimming keyboard controls:

Elevator Trim Up – Numpad 1

Elevator Trim Down – Numpad 7

Rudder Trim Left – Ctrl + Numpad 0

Rudder Trim Right – Ctrl + Numpad Enter

Aileron Trim Left – Ctrl + Numpad 4

Aileron Trim Right – Ctrl + Numpad 6

Power keyboard controls:

Cut Throttle – F1

Decrease Throttle – F2

Increase Throttle – F3

Mixture Lean – Shift + Ctrl + F1

Decrease Mixture – Shift + Ctrl + F2

Increase Mixture – Shift + Ctrl + F3

Mixture Rich – Shift + Ctrl + F4

Propeller Pitch Low – Ctrl + F1

Decrease Propeller Pitch – Ctrl + F2

Increase Propeller Pitch – Ctrl + F3

Propeller Pitch High – Ctrl + F4

Exterior Lights keyboard controls:

Toggle Beacon Light – Alt + H

Toggle Strobes – O

Togle Nav Lights – Alt + N

Toggle Taxi Lights – Alt + J

Toggle Landing Lights – Ctrl + L

Landing Lights Up – Shift + Ctrl + Numpad 8

Landing Lights Down – Shift + Ctrl + Numpad 2

Landing Lights Left – Shift + Ctrl + Numpad 4

Landing Lights Right – Shift + Ctrl + Numpad 6

Landing Lights Home – Shift + Ctrl + Numpad 5

Drone Camera keyboard controls:

Translate Drone Backward – S

Translate Drone Forward – W

Translate Drone Left – A

Translate Drone Right – D

Translate Drone Up – R

Translate Drone Down – F

Top Down View – Ctrl + Space

Pitch Up – Numpad 8

Pitch Down – Numpad 2

Roll Left – Numpad 7

Roll Right – Numpad 9

Reset Roll – Space

Yaw Left – Keypad 4

Yaw Right – Keypad 6

Reset Target Offset – Numpad 5

Decrease Transl­ation Speed – F1

Increase Transl­ation Speed – F2

Decrease Rotation Speed – F3

Increase Rotation Speed – F4

Toggle Follow Mode – Tab

Toggle Plane Controls – C

Zoom In – Keypad +

Zoom Out – Keypad –

Toggle Depth of Field – F1

Decrease Depth of Field – F2

Increase Depth of Field – F3

Decrease Exposure – Ctrl + F2

Increase Exposure – Ctrl + F3

Toggle Autofocus – F4

Toggle Foreground Blur – F5

Attach to Next/P­revious Target – Ctrl + PgUp/P­gDown

Lock to Next Target – T

Lock to Previous Target – Shift + T

Toggle Auto Exposure – Ctrl + F4

Toggle Lock Mode – Ctrl + Tab

Also Read | Flight Simulator 2020 Autopilot Not Working: How To Fix The Issue?

Fuel keyboard controls:

Toggle Fuel Pump – Alt + P

Fuel Selector 1 All – Alt + W

Fuel Selector 1 Off – Ctrl + Alt + W

Toggle Fuel Dump – Shift + Ctrl + D

Toggle All Fuel Valve – Alt + V

Radio keyboard controls:

Transp­onder – T

Com Radio – C

Nav Radio – N


ADF – Shift + Ctrl + A

VOR OBS – Shift + V

Frequency Swap – X

Set Transp­onder – Shift + Alt + W

Set Com 1 Standby – Shift + Alt + X

Com 1 Switch to Standby – Alt + U

Nav 1 Swap – Shift + Ctrl + N

Display ATC – Scroll Lock

Decrease VOR 1 OBS -0 Shift + Ctrl + End

Increase VOR 1 OBS – Shift + Ctrl + Home

ATC Panel Choice number (from 0 to 9) – (from 0 to 9)

Increase Wheel Speed – Shift

Toggle Marker Sound – Ctrl + 3

Increase Nav 1 Frequency – Shift + Ctrl + PgUp

Decrease Nav 1 Frequency – Shift + Ctrl + PgDown

Camera Instru­ments keyboard controls:

Next – A

Previous – Shift + A

Set Custom Smartcam Target – T

Reset Smartcam – Ctrl + F

Camera AI Player – Ctrl + Home

Select Next Point of Interest – PgUp

Next Smartcam Target – Ctrl + PgUp

Previous Smartcam Target – Ctrl + PgDown

Toggle Follow Smartcam Target – PgDown

Unset Custom Smartcam Target – Shift + T

Toggle Instrument View number (from 0 to 9) – Ctrl + (from 0 to 9)

Fixed Camera keyboard controls:

Next Fixed Camera – A

Previous Fixed Camera – Shift + A

Reset Fixed Camera – F

Toggle Fixed Camera number (from 0 to 9) – Ctrl + Shift + (0 to 9)

External Camera keyboard controls:

Zoom In External View – (+)

Zoom Out External View – (-)

Reset External View – Ctrl + Space

External Quickview Left – Ctrl + Left

External Quickview Right – Ctrl + Right

External Quickview Top – Ctrl + Up

External Quickview Rear – Ctrl + Down

Flight Instru­ments keyboard controls:

Set Altimeter – B

Toggle Autorudder – Shift + Ctrl + U

Select Airspeed Bug – Shift + Ctrl + R

Select Altitude Bug – Shift + Ctrl + Z

Select Heading Bug – Shift + Ctrl + H

Decrease Heading Bug – Ctrl + Del

Increase Heading Bug – Ctrl + Insert

Toggle Alternate Static – Alt + S

Set Heading Indicator – D

It is important to note that these are merely the default controls, which can be changed to suit your preferences. Going to the “Welcome” menu will make it simple for you to customize the controls. By using the “Esc” button and choosing the “Controls” option from the subsequent screen, you can still modify the control settings while the flight is still in progress.


I’ve tried to cover most keyword controls for flight simulator in this article and I hope that you’ve found it useful. Is there any other keyword controls that you want to put in the list? Feel free to share it in comments below and let others know about it.

Thank you for reading this post and see you soon in the next article.

6 thoughts on “Flight Simulator Keyboard Controls – Lists of Keyboard Shortcuts For Controlling Your Aircraft

  1. Wow.  I have never used a flight simulator game.  I have no interest in the war games my sons play.  I am bored by other games even in terms of sophisticated chess, etc.  But, your incredibly detailed description of the keyboard controls for  The Microsoft Flight Simulator have got me really interested in this game.  The idea of a game in which I fly a plane seems really exciting. I am going to bookmark this page for reference once I get the Microsoft Flight Simulator.  Thanks,


  2. WOW!! What a great article. What a great site! This is perfect for someone like me who is a real novice when it comes to games, much less using the keyboard. I showed this to my sons who play these types of games and they were in awe!! Excellent job! I can’t believe how thorough you were in laying it out! The content is GREAT! Keep up the excellent work!

    1. Thanks for the feedback and feel free to visit my website anytime. It is preferable to use joystick as it is easier to control the aircraft.

  3. There was a time, many years ago when I was really into flight simulators. I just loved them. But one thing that totally frustrated me was that I had to remember all these buttons and what each one was doing. I was at a point that I wanted to buy dedicated equipment but deemed too expensive for me at the time. Looking back I have very fond memories and I totally understand why there is such a strong following for these kind of games.

    1. Thanks for the feedback. It takes times to get used to the keyboard commands for controlling an aircraf but for easier control you should consider a joystick and rudder pedals.

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