Flight Simulator 2020 Graphic Settings – How to Customize Your Game Settings for Maximum Performance

Flight Simulator 2020 Graphic Settings – How to Customize Your Game Settings for Maximum Performance:

This article serves as a setup guide for the Microsoft Flight Simulator to achieve the greatest graphics without significantly sacrificing speed. When everything was set to Ultra, my frames-per-second number increased significantly while maintaining amazing sights and incredible terrain detail. There’s no need to set every option to its maximum. Instead, take advantage of improved performance as a result of these changes to experience smoother flying. Naturally, the advantages depend on the type of system you are using to run MSFS, and Asobo Studio’s upcoming MSFS updates and optimizations may have an impact on them. Intel Core i7-9750, RTX 2060 6GB, 16GB RAM, and 512GB SSD make up the computer setup for this article.


· You normally suffer the least performance reduction when using full screen.

· In order to avoid frame pacing problems, it is advised to disable V-Sync unless you can consistently maintain the same frame rate as your display refresh rate.

· It was suggested to use the graphics driver to impose V-Sync rather than utilizing a sim implementation.

· To save time, several settings were bench marked at larger intervals.

· Always set “Full Screen Resolution” to the resolution of your monitor, and use the “Render Scaling” slider to adjust rendering resolution. This guarantees the least amount of input lag and the sharpest UI.

Make sure your system is current, which means Windows 11 must have all the most recent updates installed. Choose Settings – Windows Update – Check for updates from the Start menu after opening it. Make sure the Microsoft Store has the most recent versions of all the apps. Select the Library option from the Microsoft Store window’s bottom left corner, then click Get updates on the window’s top right side to download and install all current updates. Because updates running in the background may affect MSFS speed, I advise to deactivate automatic updates under Windows Update – Advanced settings.

Make sure the best driver is installed on your GPU, or graphics processing unit. The performance of MSFS can be impacted by a graphics driver that is too new or too old. If a certain driver version is advised, we will let you know. For your GeForce or Radeon graphics card, download the official graphics card driver. Keep in mind that the GeForce Experience software modifies the MSFS graphic settings without the user’s knowledge, therefore always do a clean installation of the NVIDIA graphics driver. Check the Nvidia Control Panel tips as directed after installation. Avoid overclocking the CPU or GPU since this may result in MSFS randomly crashing to the desktop.

Before starting the MSFS, let’s adjust a few Windows 11 settings. Many games have lower frame rates, stutters, and freezes when the Game Mode is used, even though this setting is meant to prioritize games and reduce background activities to improve performance. As a result, enter the Settings menu on the Start menu, type “Game Mode” into the Find a setting area, and then toggle Game Mode to OFF. Make sure Hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling, also known as HAGS, is off by clicking Graphics – Change Default Graphics options on the same page under the Related options header. Additionally, confirm that Record what happened is OFF under Captures settings (found by using the Find a setting field).

Stuttering can be avoided and unexplained crash-to-desktop issues can be fixed by manually setting the Virtual Memory. Type “View advanced system settings” into the Windows Search field to access the page. Go to the Advanced tab and select the Performance Settings link. Go to the Advanced tab on the Performance Options page, select Processor scheduling (and Apply), then click Change (Virtual Memory). Deselect Manage paging file sizes for all drives automatically. Click to choose the drive (by default, C:) where Windows 10 or 11 is installed. Choose Custom size, enter 49152 MB for the Initial size, and 49152 MB for the Maximum size. Instead, choose System managed size if your system has 32GB of RAM or more installed. Then click OK and restart your computer after clicking Set.

The Microsoft Flight Simulator visual settings can now be adjusted in-game under GENERAL OPTIONS. Performance is greatly influenced by a number of options, but by optimizing them, you can improve visual quality and landscape details while also enjoying a smoother flight simulator. First, make sure your native resolution is used for the Full Screen Resolution and set the Display Mode to FULL SCREEN. Although I’m using Full HD resolution 1920×1080, if you have a 4K panel, you might want to try 2560×1440 for a sharper image without compromising frame rate. Reset the in-sim graphics settings by setting the Global Rendering Quality to ULTRA first, and then double-check and tweak the other settings to match the guidelines below.

When flying virtually on networks like VATSIM, take note that the Ground Aircraft Density setting on the TRAFFIC page determines how many static planes are at the gates; set it to 0. It is also recommended that none of the other values on the TRAFFIC page exceed a value of 50. Disable photogrammetry under the DATA page if your Internet speed is less than 50 Mbps or if you get frequent stutters while not flying close to any photogrammetry areas. If employing photogrammetry, only enable the rolling cache with a minimum size of 8 GB; otherwise, disable and remove it. My FPS is a reliable 30 with the graphical settings described in this article and the FPS limit set to 30. Check our Performance Boost Tricks next to eliminate the majority of the remaining stutters.


Hope you’ve found this article useful. I’ve tried to explain everything about the Flight Simulator 2020 graphic settings in the best possible way in this article. Of course there are other settings you can find which works better according to your system specifications so feel free to give it a shot and see what settings work best in “your system”.

Thank you for visiting this site and reading my articles. I try to write and publish more interesting and useful articles about Flight Simulator which is one of my main favorite things in the world so if it’s what you’re happy with too, feel free to follow me to keep updated with the last articles.

Thank you and see you soon in the next article.

4 thoughts on “Flight Simulator 2020 Graphic Settings – How to Customize Your Game Settings for Maximum Performance

  1. Thank you for this thorough guide.

    In all honesty, prior to reading, I had no idea there was even such a thing as a Microsoft Flight Simulator.

    Ever since I was a kid, I have had a fear of heights, this troubles me somewhat to this day. Perhaps I should consider giving this simulator a go to ease myself into feeling more comfortable with heights. Your article is a great help to know which settings yield optimal performance.

  2. Hi, it’s amazing how much progress has been made graphics wise for this game. I remember the old days the graphics sucked for this game. Now it’s so close to real you can’t tell. Because of the realism, if you have the computing power. You can learn to fly and do it in a gorgeous way. Such amazing graphics. Have a good one 

    1. Thanks for the good feedback, that why you need a powerful computers for the Flight Simulator game to run properly.

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